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Giving Tuesday 2020

This blog post was originally published on November 24, 2020, on the original Social Media Tea website. For record-keeping purposes, it has been copied over to the new site blog. 

A week from today, Giving Tuesday—an annual day of global giving—will be taking place on December 1, 2020. The Tea team had a chat and decided that we would like to participate in Giving Tuesday in a way that also gets you, our followers, involved.

For Giving Tuesday, we will be encouraging everyone to make a donation to Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, which is "a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth until they begin school, no matter their family’s income." 

Education is always a worthy cause to support, especially when it comes to children. We're also excited to contribute to one of Ms. Parton's initiatives, particularly since she's doing her part in the fight against COVID-19. We're more than happy to follow the Queen of Country's lead and help make a difference in the lives of others.

Here's how this will work; for every dollar that a Tea follower donates to Imagination Library on Giving Tuesday, we will match that dollar up to $100. That's a dollar-for-dollar match with a potential $200 being raised by the Social Media Tea community. While we know it's not exactly a million bucks, every cent toward a good cause is a penny more than it had previously. Every gift makes a difference.

If you'd like to participate in our Giving Tuesday campaign all you need to do is make a donation to the Imagination Library on Giving Tuesday (December 1, 2020) and show us a screenshot of the donation confirmation email (make sure your mailing address, email address, and/or credit info isn't visible) so we can properly match the gift. 

You can show the screenshot to us on social media (publicly or privately, up to you) or email it to us at We'll update everyone throughout the day as donations are made and we get closer to our goal.

We look forward to being a force for good with everyone on Giving Tuesday!

With Love and Chaos,

The Social Media Tea(m)

Alexa + Austin

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